Library Media Center



Phone: 334-994-4263 ext. 80004



Digital Library Options

We're proud to offer two great digital library options in MyOn and TumbleBook Library. Between the two, students have access to over 7,600 eBooks, audiobooks, and read-along titles. See the links below for videos with information on accessing and using MyOn and TumbleBook Library. To view a video, either hold ctrl and click the link, or copy and paste the link into a new browser window. 

MyOn Part 1- Accessing MyOn


MyOn Part 2- Browsing, Reading, and AR Quizzes


TumbleBooks Part 1- Accessing TumbleBook Library


TumbleBooks Part 2- Reading Books


Mission Statement

The Mission of the Library Media Center is to provide a program that will ensure all students and faculty will have access to the most advanced technology and printed materials available. The mission also is to provide leadership and expertise in assisting patrons in finding and using information effectively.

There are two forms below for teacher and student use: 

- Collaborative planning form- Teachers, complete and email this form to me to collaborate on lessons or resource location.

- Research Request- Students and teachers, complete and email this form to me get help with research or information/material location.



Accelerated Reader
Alabama Virtual Library
AR Book Finder
Common Sense Media
Unite for Literacy
Read Any Book
Storyline Online